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“我们生活在一个尊重权力的世界里。权力,智慧导向,可以带来更多的自由。” – 玛丽白求恩。全国有色人种促进协会(NAACP)成立于1909年,几乎立即成为美国领先的民权活动组织。 Guinn诉美国案(1915年),俄克拉荷马州投票权案和Buchanan v.Warley案(1917年),肯塔基州一个邻居隔离案的早期胜利,削弱了吉姆·克劳。但是,任命Thurgood Marshall担任NAACP法律团队的负责人,并决定将重点放在学校废除种族隔离案件上,这将使NAACP获得最大的胜利。 1920年至1940年间,美国众议院通过三项立法来打击私刑。每次立法进入参议院时,它都成为白人至上主义南方参议员领导的40票阻挠议案的受害者。 2005年,参议院的80名成员赞助并轻松通过了一项决议,为其在阻止反法律法案中的作用道歉 – 尽管一些参议员,特别是密西西比州参议员特伦特洛特和萨德科克伦拒绝支持该决议。 1931年,九名黑人青少年在阿拉巴马州的一列火车上与一群白人青少年发生争吵。阿拉巴马州向两名十几岁女孩施加压力,迫使他们制造强奸指控,不可避免的死刑判决导致更多的重审和撤销,比美国历史上任何案件都要多。斯科茨伯勒的定罪也被认为是历史上唯一被美国最高法院两次推翻的定罪。


“We live in a world of respect for power. Power, wisdom, can bring more freedom.” – Mary Bethune. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was established in 1909 and almost immediately became the leading civil rights organization in the United States. Guinn v. United States (1915), Oklahoma Voting Rights and Buchanan v. Warley (1917), an early victory in a neighbor isolation in Kentucky, weakened Jim Crow. However, Thurgood Marshall was appointed as the head of the NAACP legal team and decided to focus on abolishing apartheid cases in schools, which would give NAACP the greatest victory. Between 1920 and 1940, the US House of Representatives passed three laws to combat lynching. Every time the legislation entered the Senate, it became the victim of a 40-butch obstruction bill led by the White Supreme Southern Senator. In 2005, 80 members of the Senate sponsored and easily passed a resolution apologizing for their role in preventing anti-law bills – although some senators, especially Mississippi Senator Trent Trotter and Sadcock Lun refused to support the resolution. In 1931, nine black teenagers clashed with a group of white teenagers on a train in Alabama. Alabama put pressure on two teenage girls to force them to make rape allegations, and the inevitable death sentence led to more retrials and revocations, more than any case in American history. The conviction of Scottsboro is also considered to be the only conviction in history that was twice overthrown by the US Supreme Court.