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回收塑料的一个很好的理由是它有很多。塑料被用来制造我们每天使用的大量产品,例如饮料和食品容器,垃圾袋和杂货袋,杯子和器皿,儿童玩具和尿布,以及从漱口水和洗发水到玻璃清洁剂和餐具洗涤用品的各种瓶子。液体。而这甚至不包括家具,电器,电脑和汽车中的所有塑料。随着塑料的使用多年来增加,它们已成为我国城市固体废物(MSW)的一个较大部分 – 从1960年的不到1%增长到2013年的13%以上,根据环境报告保护局。作为塑料废物如何以及为何如此增加的一个例子,国际瓶装水协会报告说,2012年美国消耗了96.7亿加仑的瓶装水,而前一年为91亿加仑。美国是世界领先的瓶装水消费国。减少浪费的第一步是转换为可重复使用的水瓶。回收塑料减少了制造塑料所需的能源和资源(如水,石油,天然气和煤)。根据加利福尼亚太平洋研究所的研究人员Peter Gleick和Heather Cooley 2009年的一项研究,一瓶一品脱的水需要的能量是同等数量自来水的2000倍。


A good reason to recycle plastic is that it has a lot. Plastics are used to make a wide range of products we use every day, such as beverages and food containers, garbage bags and grocery bags, cups and utensils, children’s toys and diapers, and everything from mouthwashes and shampoos to glass cleaners and dishwashing supplies. Kind of bottle. liquid. And this doesn’t even include all the plastics in furniture, appliances, computers and cars. As the use of plastics has increased over the years, they have become a larger part of China’s urban solid waste (MSW) – from less than 1% in 1960 to more than 13% in 2013, according to the Environmental Reporting Protection Agency. As an example of how and why plastic waste is so increasing, the International Bottled Water Association reports that in 2012 the United States consumed 9.67 billion gallons of bottled water compared to 9.1 billion gallons the previous year. The United States is the world’s leading consumer of bottled water. The first step in reducing waste is to convert to a reusable water bottle. Recycling plastics reduces the energy and resources needed to make plastics (such as water, oil, natural gas, and coal). According to a 2009 study by researchers at the California Pacific Institute, Peter Gleick and Heather Cooley, a bottle of pint of water requires 2000 times the same amount of tap water.