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莎士比亚在1590年到1613年之间写作。他的许多早期戏剧都是在1598年最终成为臭名昭着的环球剧场的建筑中进行的。正是在这里,莎士比亚以一位崭露头角的年轻作家的名字命名并写下了“罗密欧与罗密欧”等经典着作。 朱丽叶,“”仲夏夜之梦“和”驯悍记“。 许多莎士比亚最着名的悲剧都是在17世纪早期写成的,并且将在环球剧场演出。 莎士比亚写了三种类型:悲剧,喜剧和历史。 虽然这看起来非常简单,但很难对剧本进行分类。 这是因为历史模糊了喜剧和悲剧,喜剧中包含了悲剧的元素,等等。


Shakespeare wrote between 1590 and 1613. Many of his early plays were made in the building that eventually became the notorious Globe Theatre in 1598. It is here that Shakespeare is named after an up-and-coming young writer and writes classics such as “Romeo and Romeo”. Juliet, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and “Tame”. Many of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies were written in the early 17th century and will be performed at the Globe Theatre. Shakespeare wrote three types: tragedy, comedy and History. Although this seems very simple, it is difficult to classify the script. This is because history blurs comedy and tragedy, comedy contains elements of tragedy, and so on.