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形成经济学入门概念的基础,供需模型是指包括需求的买方偏好和包括供应的卖方偏好的组合,它们共同决定任何给定市场中的市场价格和产品数量。在资本主义社会中,价格不是由中央政府决定的,而是买卖双方在这些市场中相互作用的结果。然而,与实体市场不同,买家和卖家不必都在同一个地方,他们只需要进行相同的经济交易。重要的是要记住,价格和数量是供需模型的输出,而不是输入。同样重要的是要记住,供需模型仅适用于竞争市场 – 有许多买家和卖家都希望购买和销售类似产品的市场。不满足这些标准的市场有不同的模型适用于它们。供需模型可分为两部分:需求法则和供给法则。在需求定律中,供给价格越高,对该产品的需求量就越低。法律本身表示,“在其他条件相同的情况下,随着产品价格的上涨,需求量下降;同样,随着产品价格下降,需求量也会增加。”这在很大程度上与购买更昂贵物品的机会成本相关,其中期望是如果买方必须放弃他们更重视的东西的消费来购买更昂贵的产品,他们可能会想要少买它。同样,供应法则与在某些价格点出售的数量相关。基本上与需求法则相反,供给模型表明,价格越高,由于业务收入增加而提供的数量越多,取决于更高价格的销售额。需求供给之间的关系在很大程度上依赖于维持两者之间的平衡,其中市场中的供给与供需相比没有或多或少。要想在现代应用中使用它,请以15美元的价格发布新DVD。由于市场分析表明目前的消费者不会花费超过这个价格的电影,该公司只发布100份,因为供应商的生产机会成本太高,无法满足需求。但是,如果需求上升,价格也会上涨,导致供应量增加。相反,如果发行100份并且需求仅为50张DVD,价格将下降以试图销售市场不再需要的剩余50份。供需模型中固有的概念进一步为现代经济学讨论提供了支柱,特别是当它适用于资本主义社会时。如果没有对这个模型的基本理解,几乎不可能理解复杂的经济理论世界。


Forming the basis of the concept of economics entry, the supply and demand model is a combination of buyer preferences including demand and seller preferences including supply, which together determine the market price and quantity of products in any given market. In capitalist society, prices are not determined by the central government, but by the interaction of buyers and sellers in these markets. However, unlike the physical market, buyers and sellers do not have to be in the same place, they only need to conduct the same economic transactions. It’s important to remember that price and quantity are the output of the supply and demand model, not the input. It is also important to remember that the supply and demand model is only applicable to competitive markets – there are many markets where buyers and sellers want to buy and sell similar products. Markets that do not meet these criteria have different models for them. The supply and demand model can be divided into two parts: the demand rule and the supply rule. In the demand law, the higher the supply price, the lower the demand for the product. The law itself says, “When other conditions are the same, as the price of the product rises, the demand drops; likewise, as the price of the product drops, the demand will increase.” This is largely related to the purchase of more expensive items. The opportunity cost is related, and the expectation is that if the buyer has to give up the consumption of something they value more to buy more expensive products, they may want to buy less. Similarly, the law of supply is related to the quantity sold at certain price points. Contrary to the demand law, the supply model shows that the higher the price, the more quantity is provided due to the increase in business income, depending on the higher price of sales. The relationship between demand supply depends to a large extent on maintaining a balance between the two, where supply in the market is no more or less than supply and demand. To use it in modern applications, please release a new DVD for $15. Since market analysis indicates that current consumers will not spend more than this price, the company only publishes 100 copies because the supplier’s production opportunity costs are too high to meet demand. However, if demand rises, prices will also rise, leading to an increase in supply. Conversely, if 100 copies are issued and demand is only 50 DVDs, the price will drop in an attempt to sell the remaining 50 copies that are no longer needed in the market. The concepts inherent in the supply and demand model further provide a pillar for modern economics discussions, especially when applied to capitalist societies. Without a basic understanding of the model, it is almost impossible to understand the complex world of economic theory.

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