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英国伦敦大学亚非学院 Assignment代写:Dunning-Kruger效应简介

人们可以做些什么来克服Dunning-Kruger效应?关于Dunning-Kruger效应的TED-Ed视频提供了一些建议:“继续学习。”事实上,在他们着名的一项研究中,Dunning和Kruger让一些参与者接受了逻辑测试,然后完成了逻辑上的简短培训。推理。培训结束后,参与者被要求评估他们在之前的测试中的表现。研究人员发现培训有所不同:之后,最低25%的参与者降低了他们认为他们在初步测试中的表现。换句话说,克服Dunning-Kruger效应的一种方法可能是了解有关主题的更多信息。然而,当更多地了解一个主题时,重要的是要确保我们避免确认偏见,即“接受证实我们信仰的证据并拒绝与其相矛盾的证据的倾向。”正如邓宁解释的那样,克服Dunning-Kruger效果有时可能是一个复杂的过程,特别是如果它迫使我们意识到我们之前被误导了。他的建议?他解释说“诀窍是成为你自己的魔鬼的拥护者:思考你喜欢的结论如何被误导;要问问自己,你可能会出现什么样的错误,或者事情的结果可能与你的预期有所不同。“Dunning-Kruger效应表明我们可能并不总是像我们想象的那样知道 – 在某些领域,我们可能不知道足够了解一个话题,意识到我们不熟练。然而,通过挑战自己学习更多知识并阅读反对意见,我们可以努力克服Dunning-Kruger效应。

英国伦敦大学亚非学院 Assignment代写:Dunning-Kruger效应简介

What can people do to overcome the Dunning-Kruger effect? A TED-Ed video on the Dunning-Kruger effect offers some advice: “keep learning.” In fact, in one of their famous studies, Dunning and Kruger had some of the participants take a logic test and then complete a short training on logical reasoning. After the training, the participants were asked to assess how they’d done on the previous test. The researchers found that the training made a difference: afterwards, the participants who scored in the bottom 25% lowered their estimate of how well they thought they had done on the preliminary test. In other words, one way to overcome the Dunning-Kruger effect may be to learn more about a topic. However, when learning more about a topic, it’s important to make sure that we avoid confirmation bias, which is “the tendency to accept evidence that confirms our beliefs and to reject evidence that contradicts them.” As Dunning explains, overcoming the Dunning-Kruger effect can sometimes be a complicated process, especially if it forces us to realize that we were previously misinformed. His advice? He explains that “the trick is to be your own devil’s advocate: to think through how your favored conclusions might be misguided; to ask yourself how you might be wrong, or how things might turn out differently from what you expect.” The Dunning-Kruger effect suggests that we may not always know as much as we think we do—in some domains, we may not know enough about a topic to realize that we are unskilled. However, by challenging ourselves to learn more and by reading about opposing views, we can work to overcome the Dunning-Kruger effect.