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前副总统戈尔对大多数州获得选举投票的方式表示担忧。 他和越来越多的美国人支持全国流行投票倡议。 进入契约的国家同意将选举人的选票投给在所有50个州和华盛顿特区获得最多选票的候选人。1800年的选举暴露了该国新宪法的一个重大缺陷。 当时,总统和副总统没有分开经营; 最高票数获得总统,第二高票数获得当选副总统。 第一个选举团的领带是托马斯杰斐逊和他在选举中的竞选伙伴亚伦伯尔之间的关系。 两人都赢得了73张选举人票。


Former Vice President Al Gore expressed concern about the way most states were elected to vote. He and a growing number of Americans support the national popular voting initiative. The countries entering the contract agreed to vote for the electors to the candidates who received the most votes in all 50 states and Washington, DC. The 1800 election exposed a major flaw in the country’s new constitution. At that time, the president and the vice president did not operate separately; the highest number of votes was won by the president, and the second highest number was won as the vice president. The tie of the first electoral college was the relationship between Thomas Jefferson and his election partner, Aaron Burr. Both won 73 electoral votes.