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在讨论国际贸易和外汇时,使用两种类型的汇率。名义汇率简单地说明一种货币(即货币)可以用另一种货币单位交易多少。另一方面,实际汇率描述了一个国家的商品或服务中有多少可以用于另一个国家的商品或服务中的一种。例如,实际汇率可能会说明每瓶欧洲葡萄酒可兑换多少瓶葡萄酒。当然,这有点过于简单的现实观 – 毕竟,美国葡萄酒和欧洲葡萄酒之间的质量和其他因素存在差异。实际汇率将这些问题抽象化,可以将其视为比较各国同等商品的成本。实际汇率可以被认为是回答以下问题:如果您在国内生产的产品,以国内市场价格出售,将您获得的货币兑换为外币,然后使用该外币购买在国外生产的同等物品的单位,您可以购买多少单位的外国商品?因此,实际汇率单位是外国货币单位,而不是国内(本国)单位的货物,因为实际汇率显示每单位国内货物可以获得多少外国货物。 (从技术上讲,国内和国外的区别是无关紧要的,可以在任何两个国家之间计算实际汇率,如下所示。)


Two types of exchange rates are used when discussing international trade and foreign exchange. The nominal exchange rate simply indicates how much one currency (ie, currency) can be traded in another currency unit. On the other hand, the real exchange rate describes how much of a country’s goods or services can be used for another country’s goods or services. For example, the actual exchange rate may indicate how many bottles of wine can be redeemed per bottle of European wine. Of course, this is a bit too simple reality – after all, the quality and other factors between American wines and European wines are different. The real exchange rate abstracts these issues and can be seen as a comparison of the costs of equivalent goods in each country. The actual exchange rate can be considered as answering the following questions: If the product you produce in the country is sold at the domestic market price, the currency you obtained is converted into a foreign currency, and then the foreign currency is used to purchase the unit of the equivalent item produced abroad, you can buy How many units of foreign goods? Therefore, the actual exchange rate unit is a foreign currency unit, not a domestic (national) unit, because the actual exchange rate shows how much foreign goods can be obtained per unit of domestic goods. (Technically, the difference between domestic and foreign is irrelevant, and the actual exchange rate can be calculated between any two countries, as shown below.)