psychology Essay代写:认同理论

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心理学家迈克尔·普拉托(Michael Platow)和约翰·亨特(John Hunter)将谢里夫的研究与社会心理学的社会认同理论联系在一起:作为一个群体的一部分的理论对人们的身份和行为产生了强大的影响。研究社会身份的研究人员发现,人们将自己归类为社会团体的成员(就像Eagles和Rattlers的成员一样),这些团体的成员身份可以导致人们以歧视性和敌对的方式对待外联成员。但是,“强盗洞穴”研究还表明,冲突并非不可避免或难以解决,因为研究人员最终能够减轻两组之间的紧张关系。强盗洞穴实验还使我们能够评估社会心理学的接触假设。根据接触假说,如果两个群体的成员彼此相处,则可以减少偏见和群体冲突,并且,如果满足某些条件,则群体之间的接触尤其可能减少冲突。

psychology Essay代写:认同理论

Psychologists Michael Platow and John Hunter have linked Sharif’s research to the theory of social identity in social psychology: theories as part of a group on people’s identity and behavior Had a powerful impact. Researchers who study social identities have found that people classify themselves as members of social groups (just like members of Eagles and Rattlers), and membership in these groups can lead people to treat outreach members in a discriminatory and hostile manner. However, the “Bandit’s Cave” study also showed that conflict was not inevitable or difficult to resolve, as researchers were eventually able to reduce tension between the two groups. The robber cave experiment also enabled us to assess the contact hypothesis of social psychology. According to the contact hypothesis, if members of two groups get along with each other, prejudice and group conflicts can be reduced, and if certain conditions are met, contact between groups is particularly likely to reduce conflicts.

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