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许多关于学术论文写作的书籍和指南都提倡使用主动语态,因为主动语态表达更直接,简化句子形式,同时符合事件展开的真实顺序。然而,被动语态真的一无是处吗?当代著名的认知心理学家、语言学家Steven Pinker在他关于写作的著作The Sense of Style[1]中提到被动语态不可替代的重要功能:引导读者的注意力。换句话说,被动语态可以将动作的承受者放在聚光灯下,使读者的注意力从动作的执行者转到动作的承受者,因为被动语态可以压根儿不提谁是执行者,这一点是主动语态无法做到的。请看以下两种表达方式:

主动语态:In our meta-analysis of 160,309 patients we discovered an inverse association between low vitamin D levels and several cardiometabolic risk factors, including waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, index of homeostatic model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), and risk of death from cardiovascular disease (CVD).

被动语态:Low vitamin D level was associated inversely with several cardiometabolic risk factors, such as waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, and homeostatic model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index, and risk of death from cardiovascular disease (CVD).

诚然,以上主动语态的表达方式有利于作者汇报其研究发现,但他人在引用其研究发现时,被动语态的表达方式可以将low vitamin D level放在聚光灯下,聚焦读者的注意力。





and, because, but, or, so, also不能作为句子开头?

很多写作指南明确表示,此类连接词不能用作句子开头。学校里的写作课大概也是这么教的。而Pinker认为,这样是不对的。如果and连接的前后两个分句很长呢,与其非要把它们挤在一个让人喘不过气的长句里,不如以and开始一个新句子。Pinker不是唯一这样想的人。Benjamin Dreyer (Copy Chief of Random House)在他的新作Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style[2]里写道:

“Do begin a sentence with “And” or “But”, if it strikes your fancy to do so. Great writers do it all the time.”

前提是,你真的需要一个and或but作为句子开头。Why? Because most of the time, you may find you don’t need that “And” at all.



悬垂修饰(dangling modifiers)也是学术论文写作中常被讨论的问题,并且被明令禁止。原因在于句子主语和修饰语的逻辑主语不一致。然而,此类表达在学术论文中比比皆是,多到编辑在修改时一度开始怀疑人生。如果某些悬垂修饰成功逃过编辑的火眼金睛,读者更是对其毫无察觉,没有感到任何阅读的不适,那是否说明它们的存在确有价值?Pinker认为,某些悬垂修饰确实需要避免,但它们不应算作语法错误(好前卫的观点,给他点赞)。悬垂修饰的原罪不在于违反了语法,而在于某些时候会产生歧义。例如:

Locked in a vault for 50 years, the owner of the jewels has decided to sell them.



Considering the diverse samples in this study, IPAQ has reasonable measurement properties for monitoring population levels of physical activity among 18- to 65-year-old adults in diverse settings.

没有任何问题,不会产生歧义,如果非要符合语法在后半句加上we think,反而显得累赘不少。

实际上,很多此类分词结构在语言使用的演化过程中,已经具有介词的性质,不需要任何逻辑主语了,例如:according, allowing, barring, concerning, considering, excepting, excluding, failing, following, given, granted, including, owing, regarding, respecting。




My sister, who works in Paris, visited me last week.

My sister who works in Paris visited me last week.


提到限定和非限定,你的脑海里是不是也划过that和which,分别对应这两种从句?Strunk和E. B. White在他们被誉为写作圣经的小册子The Elements of Style[3]里写道:

“Thatis the defining, or restrictive, pronoun,whichthe nondefining, or nonrestrictive.”


That which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

The book in which I scribbled my notes is worthless.


An applicationto renew a licensewhichhad previously been rejected must be resubmitted within thirty days.




The fires are likelyto permanently deforestthe land.

to和动词deforest之间插入了一个副词,就叫做分裂不定式(split infinitives)。同理,助动词和动词被分隔就叫做分裂动词(split verbs)。写作指南经常严肃地告诫我们,不要分裂不定式结构。好吧,那就严肃地讲一个故事。

在2009年Barack Obama宣誓成为美国总统的就职仪式上,领誓人美国最高法院首席法官John Roberts(据说他对语法有着完美的追求)单方面将誓词由solemnly swear that I willfaithfullyexecute the office of president of the United States改为solemnly swear that I will execute the office of president of theUnited Statesfaithfully,以至于很多美国民众认为总统的宣誓无效,应该重来一次。

如果你看过《星际迷航》影视系列,一定听过这么一句:to boldly gowhere no man has gone before。如果你觉得改成boldly to gowhere no man has gone before或者to go boldlywhere no man has gone before更好的话,你也许是瓦肯星人。





In recent years, an increasing number of psychologists and linguists turned their attention to the problem of child language acquisition. In this article, recent research on this process will be reviewed.

是不是听起来似曾相识?Pinker称之为专业的自恋(professional narcissism)。当然,你可能不是故意的,这样写文章开头的冲动太强烈了,因为这就是你在日常活动中的真实感受。可是,读者通常对科学家的日常活动没有太大兴趣,他们关心的是研究本身。所以,以上开头如果这样修改,就能去除写作者的自我意识,直切主题:

All children acquire the ability to speak a language without explicit lessons. How do they accomplish this feat?




小编看到很多论文会在文章结尾或章节结尾处提到研究的局限性,这种做法是否科学?Douglas的研究[4]表明,这可能并不明智。读者对文章或章节的开头和结尾(也就是最后读到的内容)记忆最深,而中间的段落可以看作一个dead zone。就像看一场电影,如果中间情节拖沓,观众有可能昏昏欲睡记不住任何情节。为何不利用中间的dead zone提及研究的局限性而把最后的宝贵位置留给你自己的重要研究发现,让它在读者脑中余音绕梁?参考下面这段[5]:

“This study provides preliminary evidence that ROCK I may prove a valuable biomarker in assessing patient outcomes in colorectal cancer. Other studies have found that inhibition of ROCK I may even lead to promising therapeutic targets in the treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and inflammatory breast cancer. Further studies of larger patient populations and of the specific roles played by ROCK I in the progression of colorectal cancer may equip clinicians to better identify patient prognoses from minimally invasive tissue samples and also provide better-informed interventions based on levels of ROCK I expression in tissues. Ultimately, ROCK I provides more accurate indicators of patient survival than either over-expression of MET or even tumor staging.”



要明白什么是真正的好句子,就要从读者的角度出发了解阅读时大脑究竟在做什么。阅读中,每个人都在不自觉地做一件事:预测。我们一边读,一边在对词意、语法结构、句意做着判断和预测,尽管自己可能难以察觉。Douglas在The Biomedical Writer[5]中写道:

“And prediction is always forward-looking. Reading is most efficient and writing most effective when we read uni-directionally, always looking ahead. As a result, the instant you require the reader to look backward, you have sent them in the wrong direction.”


Thirteen of the 27 genes significantly up-regulated at short reperfusion but not at long reperfusion encode for known transcription factors or inflammatory cytokines, suggesting roles in gene transcription and regulation at this early reperfusion time point.

读到up-regulated,大部分读者会将其视为句子的谓语动词,但是当看到encode,就不得不返回去重新审视整个句子结构,句子的主干应该是Thirteen of the 27 genes encode for known transcription factors。这种句子在语言学里有个专门的名字garden path sentence,意思是对一个句子按常规方式理解,直到句子后面才发现理解有误,然后回到分叉点重新进行处理,采用非常规的方式才能达到理解的目的。上面的句子如果把significantly up-regulated at short reperfusion but not at long reperfusion改为定语从句,虽然增加了句子长度,但能够避免二次解读。所以,真正的好句子就是让读者可以顺利读下去,不回头。



Pinker, S. (2015). The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century. New York: Penguin Books.

Dreyer, B. (2019). Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style. New York: Random House.

Strunk, Jr., W. (1918). The Elements of Style. Ithaca, N.Y.: W.P. Humphrey.

Douglas, Y. (2015). The Reader’s Brain: How Neuroscience Can Make You a Better Writer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Douglas, Y., Grant, M.B. (2018). The Biomedical Writer: What You Need to Succeed in Academic Medicine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.