英国阿伯丁CS Essay代写:互联网通信技术

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随着互联网通信技术(ICTs)的发展,它们在我们生活中的作用及其对社会关系和整个社会的影响也随之发展。 这样,研究这些的社会学方法也随之发展。 互联网的社会学涉及的是坐在有线台式PC之前参加各种形式的在线社区的用户,尽管这种做法仍然存在,甚至已经变得越来越普遍,但我们现在的方式是连接互联网-主要是通过无线移动 设备,各种新型通讯平台和工具的出现以及ICT在社会结构和我们生活各个方面的普遍传播,都需要新的研究问题和研究方法。 这些转变也使新的和更大的研究规模成为可能,即“大数据”,这是科学史上从未见过的。

英国阿伯丁CS Essay代写:互联网通信技术

As Internet communication technologies (ICTs) evolve, their role in our lives and their impact on social relationships and society as a whole grows. In this way, the sociological methods of studying these have also developed. The sociology of the Internet involves users who participate in various forms of online communities before sitting in a wired desktop PC. Although this practice still exists and has become more and more common, our current approach is to connect to the Internet – mainly With wireless mobile devices, the emergence of new types of communication platforms and tools, and the widespread spread of ICTs in social structures and in all aspects of our lives, new research issues and research methods are needed. These shifts have also made new and larger research scales possible, namely “big data,” something that has never been seen in the history of science.

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