
Home / 段落解析 / 英国阿伯丁大学Essay代写:REBT模型

该模型的第一部分着重于非理性信念的形成和结果。 REBT观察到,尽管许多人会因为经历的负面后果(C)而将其归咎于激活事件(A),但实际上,他们对激活事件(A)形成的信念(B)才真正导致后果(C) 。 因此,正是发现那些对于改变情感,行为和认知后果至关重要的信念。 例如,某人可能被他的重要他人拒绝。 这是激活事件(A),这是生活中的事实,个人可能会以不同的方式对此做出回应。 在这种情况下,被拒绝的个人会形成一种信念(B):由于他被拒绝,他是不讨人喜欢的,并且永远不会再有浪漫的关系。 这种信念的结果(C)是该人永不约会,独自一人并变得越来越沮丧和孤立。


The first part of the model focuses on the formation and outcome of irrational beliefs. REBT observed that although many people blame activation events (A) for their negative consequences (C), in fact, their belief in the activation of events (A) (B) really leads to consequences (C). ). Therefore, it is the discovery of beliefs that are essential to changing emotional, behavioral, and cognitive consequences. For example, someone may be rejected by his important others. This is the activation event (A), which is a fact in life that individuals may respond to in different ways. In this case, the rejected individual forms a belief (B): because he is rejected, he is unpleasant and will never have a romantic relationship. The result of this belief (C) is that the person never dates, is alone and becomes increasingly frustrated and isolated.

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