
Home / 段落解析 / 英国伯明翰大学艺术Essay代写:民族音乐学

比较音乐学家也对音乐从一个地方传播到另一个地方的方式感兴趣。 20世纪初的民俗主义者,例如塞西尔·夏普(Cecil Sharp)(收集英国民谣)和弗朗西斯·丹斯莫尔(Frances Densmore)(收集各种美洲原住民歌曲),也被认为是民族音乐学的先驱。 比较音乐学的另一个主要问题是乐器和音乐系统的分类。 1914年,德国学者Curt Sachs和Erich von Hornbostel提出了一种对乐器进行分类的系统,该系统至今仍在使用。 该系统根据乐器的振动材料将其分为四类:航空器(由空气引起的振动,如长笛),颤音器(由弦引起的振动,如与吉他一样),膜式传声器(动物皮肤的振动,如与鼓一样的振动)和中音器 (由仪器本身引起的振动,如嘎嘎声)。


Comparative musicologists are also interested in the way music travels from one place to another. Folkloreists of the early 20th century, such as Cecil Sharp (collecting British folk songs) and Frances Densmore (collecting various Native American songs), are also considered national music. The pioneer of learning. Another major issue in comparative musicology is the classification of musical instruments and music systems. In 1914, German scholars Curt Sachs and Erich von Hornbostel proposed a system for classifying musical instruments, which is still in use today. The system classifies it into four categories based on the vibrating material of the instrument: aircraft (vibration caused by air, such as flute), tremolo (vibration caused by strings, like a guitar), diaphragm microphone (vibration of animal skin, Such as the vibration of the drum) and the midrange (vibration caused by the instrument itself, such as humming).

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