
Home / 段落解析 / 英国东英吉利大学Assignment代写:民意调查

在大会上将法拉罗的名字放在提名大会之前的几个月里仍然有人谈论,蒙代尔是否选择了她作为他的竞选搭档。费拉罗最后在6月澄清说,如果与蒙代尔的选择相反,她不会允许她的名字被提名。一些强大的女性民主党人,包括马里兰州代表芭芭拉·米库尔斯基,正在迫使蒙代尔挑选费拉罗或面对场内战斗。在她对大会的接受演讲中,令人难忘的一句话包括“如果我们能做到这一点,我们就能做任何事情。”里根滑坡击败了蒙代尔 – 费拉罗的车票。她是20世纪那个时刻的众议院第四位成员。作为副总统的主要候选人竞选。包括William Safire在内的保守派批评她使用尊敬的女士并使用“性别”一词而不是“性别”。纽约时报拒绝使用它的风格指南女士带着她的名字,应她的要求决定称她为费拉罗夫人。在竞选活动期间,费拉罗试图把关于女性生活的问题带到最前沿。在提名后立即进行民意调查显示蒙代尔/费拉罗赢得了妇女的选票。男人喜欢共和党的票。


In the months leading up to the nomination meeting in the General Assembly, there were still people talking about whether Mundell chose her as his running mate. Ferraro finally clarified in June that she would not allow her name to be nominated if it was contrary to Mundell’s choice. Some powerful female Democrats, including Maryland representative Barbara Mikulski, are forcing Mundell to pick Ferraro or face the battle. In her acceptance speech to the conference, an unforgettable sentence included “If we can do this, we can do anything.” Reagan landslide defeated Mundell – Ferraro’s ticket. She was the fourth member of the House of Representatives at that time in the 20th century. As the vice president’s main candidate for the election. Conservatives, including William Safire, criticized her for using a respected woman and using the word “gender” rather than “gender.” The New York Times refused to use its style guide. The lady took her name and decided to call her Mrs. Ferraro at her request. During the campaign, Ferraro tried to bring the issue of women’s lives to the forefront. An opinion poll immediately after the nomination showed that Mundell/Ferraro won the women’s vote. Men like Republican votes.