英国Economics Essay代写:信贷紧缩

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最近的一项研究得出结论,尽管罪恶一直存在,但在我们的日常生活中仍然会遇到它们(Frank,2001)。这是因为它们深深植根于我们的人性之中,以至于它们几乎是完全不可避免的,而且人们似乎永远也无法限制自己(Frank,2001)。例如,早上将贪睡按钮按下一次还是两次,然后将自己拖下床?还是在不考虑家人的情况下长时间冲凉?这些只是无害的例子,但罪过也会造成更大的后果。最近,贪婪已成为经济新闻的中心话题。除其他议员外,记者和著名商人都将这种犯罪现象视为当前信贷紧缩的主要原因之一(Bernasek,2010; Trouw:经济部,2009; Staps,2008)。此外,De Soysa(2002)甚至声称,贪婪是内战背后的主要动机。令我着迷的主要问题是:人们为什么贪婪?作为最终的人类,这些罪恶不是造成信贷紧缩和战争的原因。

英国Economics Essay代写:信贷紧缩

A recent study concluded that, although sin is always present, it is still encountered in our daily lives (Frank, 2001). This is because they are so deeply rooted in our humanity that they are almost completely inevitable and that people never seem to be able to restrain themselves (Frank, 2001). For example, press the snooze button once or twice in the morning and drag yourself out of bed? Or do you take a long shower without considering your family? These are just harmless examples, but sin can have even greater consequences. Recently, greed has become a central topic in economic news. Among other lawmakers, journalists and prominent businessmen see this crime as one of the main causes of the current credit crunch (Bernasek, 2010; Trouw: Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2009; Staps, 2008). In addition, De Soysa (2002) even claimed that greed was the main motivation behind the civil war. The main question that fascinated me is: why are people greedy? As ultimate humans, these evils are not the cause of the credit crunch and war.

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