英国Education Essay代写例文欣赏

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英国Education Essay代写例文欣赏

应该密切调查关系,以更好地了解家庭动态。 耦合的阶段(婚姻,同居,订婚和婚姻),配偶之间通过时间的关系以及育儿习惯和信仰都必须加以检查。 关系的这些要素可以根据研究目标的不同方式处理。 例如,一些社会学家研究了伴侣之间收入的差异如何影响不忠的可能性,而另一些社会学家则研究了教育如何影响婚姻的成功率。 关系的细微差别对家庭的社会学做出了重大贡献。 育儿对于家庭单位的社会学尤其重要。 儿童的社会化,父母的角色,单亲育儿,领养和寄养育儿以及基于性别的儿童角色,每个家庭的处理方式都不相同。

Relationships should be investigated closely to better understand family dynamics. The stages of coupling (marriage, cohabitation, engagement, and marriage), the relationship between spouses through time, and parenting habits and beliefs must be examined. These elements of the relationship can be addressed in different ways depending on the research objectives. For example, some sociologists have studied how differences in income between partners affect the possibility of infidelity, while others have studied how education affects the success rate of marriage. The nuances of relationships make a significant contribution to the sociology of the family. Parenting is particularly important for the sociology of family units. The socialization of children, the role of parents, single parenting, adoption and foster parenting, and gender-based child roles are handled differently by each family.

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