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结果主义者中最传统的观点是,唯一有益的结果就是幸福。图片大致如下。假设你平时和我一样快乐,但你的生活时间是你的两倍。然后你将获得两倍于我的幸福。所以我们所拥有的幸福总量是我幸福的三倍。或者假设你平均比我快两倍,而且我们的生活同样长。在这里,你最终获得的幸福感也是我的两倍,所以我们拥有的幸福总量是我幸福的三倍。或者假设你不高兴:平均而言,就像我感到快乐和同样的时间一样快乐。不快乐可以被认为是消极的幸福,所以我们两人在第三种情况下的总幸福感是零。现在,为了找到行动后果的好处,只需要在这些后果中获得幸福的总量。幸福越多越好。请注意,如果重要的是总金额,那么幸福是否属于您或您的朋友或陌生人 – 甚至是狗,如果狗可以获得幸福并不重要。幸福将在今天或明年发生并不重要。见边沁(1789); Den Uyl&Machan(1983)


The m英国法尔茅斯大学Essay代写:简单的后果主义ost traditional view among Consequentialists is that the only kind of result that is good in itself is happiness. The picture is roughly as follows. Suppose you are on average just as happy as I am, but you live twice as long. Then you will have had twice as much happiness as I had. So the total happiness we had is three times the happiness I had. Or suppose you are on average twice as happy as I am, and we live equally long. Here too you end up having had twice as much happiness as I had, so the total happiness we had is three times the happiness I had. Or suppose you are unhappy instead: on average just as unhappy as I am happy and for the same amount of time. Unhappiness can be thought of as negative happiness, so that the total happiness we two have in this third case is zero. Now, to find the goodness of the consequences of an action, simply take the total amount of happiness in those consequences. The more happiness there is, the better. Note that if what matters is the total amount, then it does not matter whether the happiness belongs to you or your friend or a stranger—or even a dog, if dogs can have happiness. And it does not matter whether the happiness will happen today or next year. See Bentham (1789); Den Uyl & Machan (1983).

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