英国格拉斯哥大学文学Assignment代写: 文学中的扩展隐喻

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扩展隐喻是一种常用的文学设备,用作两者之间的比较,不同于描述性散文或诗歌中常用的东西。有时,它只是一两句话,或者有时甚至更长,持续一段或更多。这个文学术语也被称为“自负”或“超级隐喻”。延伸的比喻有时会与寓言相混淆。扩展隐喻中的各种元素或图像可以以不同方式彼此组合或互补。 “延伸隐喻过程的终点是寓言。” – David Punter,英国教授,哥特小说专家。寓言经常被描述为一个扩展的隐喻,但这种描述只有在“扩展”指的是语言表达而“隐喻”指的是概念结构时才有效。例如,香港中文大学英语教授彼得·克里斯普(Peter Crisp)声称“扩展隐喻……与寓言不同,因为它包含的语言与源头和目标直接相关。”扩展隐喻是一种文学结构,而不是普通语言的隐喻。在整个文本或话语中有意识地使用扩展隐喻。与普通语言隐喻不同,它们不是一次性使用通常由必要性来描述的描述。根据一些语言专家的说法,扩展的隐喻是文学文本的“专有财产”,尽管由于在广告中使用了持续的隐喻,这并不是决定性的。理解扩展隐喻概念的最好方法是看它在使用中。来自世界各地,所有类型和许多时期的作者和诗人已经或可能会以某种方式使用扩展的隐喻。 “Bobby Holloway说我的想象力是一个三百环的马戏团。目前,我在二百九十九环中,大象跳舞,小丑翻车,老虎跳过火圈。现在是时候退后了,离开主帐篷,去买一些爆米花和可乐,快乐,冷静下来。“ “当它们聚在一起时,它们永远不会花费超过几分钟的时间,让每个人都能恢复自然状态,就像一个被海难淹没的一方。这就是一个家庭。还有海上风暴,船只,以及不知名的海岸。还有用竹子和椰子制作的帽子和威士忌。还有你点燃的火焰可以阻挡野兽。“

英国格拉斯哥大学文学Assignment代写: 文学中的扩展隐喻

An extended metaphor is a common literary device used as a comparison between two, unlike things that are commonly used in descriptive prose or poetry. Sometimes, it is just a sentence or two, or sometimes it can be even longer, lasting a paragraph or more. This literary term is also known as a “conceit” or a “mega-metaphor.” An extended metaphor is sometimes confused with allegory. The various elements or images in an extended metaphor may fit together or complement one another in different ways. “The endpoint of extended metaphorical processes is ​allegory.”—David Punter, English professor and expert on Gothic fiction. ​ Allegory is often described as an extended metaphor, but this description only works if “extended” refers to the linguistic expression while “metaphor” refers to the conceptual structure. For example, Peter Crisp, English professor for the Chinese University of Hong Kong, claims that “Extended metaphor… is different from allegory because it contains language that relates directly to both the source and target.” Extended metaphors are a literary construct as opposed to an ordinary-language metaphor. Extended metaphors are used consciously and sustained throughout a text or discourse. Unlike ordinary-language metaphors, they are not a one-off use of a description usually made out of necessity to get a point across. According to some language experts, extended metaphors are the “exclusive property” of literary texts, although this is not conclusive because of the use of sustained metaphors in advertising. The best way to understand the concept of extended metaphor is to see it in use. Authors and poets from all over the world, from all genres, and many time periods, have used or likely will use extended metaphor in one way or another. “Bobby Holloway says my imagination is a three-hundred-ring circus. Currently, I was in ring two hundred and ninety-nine, with elephants dancing and clowns cartwheeling and tigers leaping through rings of fire. The time had come to step back, leave the main tent, go buy some popcorn and a Coke, bliss out, cool down.” “It never takes longer than a few minutes, when they get together, for everyone to revert to the state of nature, like a party marooned by a shipwreck. That’s what a family is. Also the storm at sea, the ship, and the unknown shore. And the hats and the whiskey stills that you make out of bamboo and coconuts. And the fire that you light to keep away the beasts.”