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有利于我们自己的生存,我们的睡眠仍然有效。科学表明,与背景噪音本身不同,背景噪音的突然变化使我们从睡眠中获益。通过创造声音掩蔽效果,白噪声阻止声音的突然变化,帮助人们入睡,轻睡者保持睡眠状态。在已经成为“睡眠行业”的术语中,术语“白噪声”被用作任何恒定且不变的背景噪声的一般描述。今天所谓的“睡眠机器”提供的其他放松或舒适的声音包括来自大自然的舒缓声音,如温柔的雨,海浪,遥远的雷声和蟋蟀唧唧喳喳。许多人发现这些声音作为睡眠辅助工具比纯白噪声的“sh”声音更有效。通常建议使用白噪声,以帮助婴儿入睡并建立规律的睡眠模式。 1990年在爱尔兰皇家内科医师学院进行的一项开创性研究发现,40名被研究的新生儿中有32名(80%)在听到白噪声后仅5分钟就能入睡。


Conducive to our own survival, our sleep is still effective. Science shows that, unlike background noise itself, sudden changes in background noise make us benefit from sleep. By creating a sound masking effect, white noise prevents sudden changes in sound, helping people fall asleep, and sleepers stay asleep. In terms that have become the “sleep industry,” the term “white noise” is used as a general description of any constant and constant background noise. Other relaxing or comfortable sounds provided by today’s so-called “sleeping machines” include soothing sounds from nature, such as gentle rain, waves, distant thunder and snoring. Many people find these sounds as sleep aids more effective than pure white noise “sh” sounds. White noise is generally recommended to help the baby fall asleep and establish a regular sleep pattern. A groundbreaking study conducted at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland in 1990 found that 32 (80%) of the 40 newborns studied fell asleep in only 5 minutes after hearing white noise.

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