到目前为止,许多读物都影响了我对多元化课堂教学的思考。这些读物给我带来了关于多元化和多元化情境下教学的新见解,而这些见解是我之前并不完全熟悉的。第一篇我觉得影响很大的文章是Koepke的《回到印第安纳州的家》。Koepke的文章大部分内容都是关于了解她每个学生背后的文化,并将其运用到教育中。在回去看望她以前的学生时,Koepke意识到她的学生的教育与他们的文化是多么的不匹配。我想,作为教师,我们喜欢认为自己知道什么是对学生最好的,什么能让他们成功。对许多教师来说,包括我自己在内,成功的第一步是大学学位,(作为教师)我们希望为学生的未来做好准备。然而,许多学生目前是在一种没有必要或不需要高等教育的文化中长大的,作为教师,我们必须承认每个学生未来计划的多样性。例如,就Lisa的情况而言,她的文化背景是以家庭和育儿为中心的。因此,她的许多学术课程都有助于她为自己的未来做准备。Koepke说:”作为一名教师,我从来没有问过我的学生他们需要知道什么。我为他们做决定”(第27页)。这句话让我很有共鸣,因为在反思自己的教学经验时,我发现我经常选择对学生最好的东西。因此,并没有真正迎合或帮助班上的 “Lisas”、”Gregs “和 “Pennys”。这次阅读让我明白,要在多元化的课堂上教学,你必须了解和理解学生的文化背景,因为这直接影响他们如何看待和接受教育。在学校里,我认为多样性可以延伸到学生的预期未来,并不是所有的学生最终都会进入四年制大学,要想真正做到在多样化的环境中教学,教师必须能够找到将课程以有意义的方式与学生联系起来的方法,并使其直接影响到他们决定的任何未来。
英国教育学essay代写 教学思考
Many of the readings thus far have impacted my thoughts about teaching in a diverse classroom. The readings have brought new insights about diversity and teaching in diverse situations that I was not completely familiar with before. The first article I found very impactful was Koepke’s Back Home in Indiana. Much of Koepke’s article dealt with understanding the culture behind each of her students and using it in their education. In going back and visiting her former students, Koepke realized how mismatched her student’s education was with their culture. I think that as teachers we like to think that we know what is best for our students and what will make them successful. For many teachers, myself included, the first step to success is a college degree and (as teachers) we want to prepare our students for that future. However, many students are currently being raised in a culture where higher education is not necessary or needed and as teachers we must acknowledge that diversity in future plans for each student. For example, in Lisa’s situation, her cultural background was centered around family and child-rearing. Therefore, many of her academic classes were helpful in preparing her for her intended future. Koepke states “As a teacher I never asked my students what they needed to know. I decided for them” (p. 27). This statement resonates with me a lot because in reflecting upon my own teaching experiences, I found that I often chose what was best for my students. Thus, not really catering or helping the “Lisas”, “Gregs” and “Pennys” in my class. This reading helped me to understand that to teach in a diverse classroom, you must know and understand your student’s cultural background because this directly impacts how they view and received education. In schools, I think that diversity can be extended to a student’s intended future, not all students will end up at a four-year college, and to truly be able to teach in diverse settings teachers must be able to find ways to connect the curriculum in a meaningful way to the students and make it directly impactful to whatever future they decide to have.
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