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事实上,第二修正案中提到的管理良好的民兵实际上是18世纪相当于美国武装部队的。除了一小部分有偿官员(主要负责监督平民应征入伍者)外,在提出第二修正案时存在的美国没有经过专业训练的军队。相反,它几乎完全依靠平民民兵进行自卫 – 换句话说,就是所有可用的男子在18岁至50岁之间的四舍五入。在外国入侵的情况下,没有训练有素的军队可以阻止英国人或法国人。美国依靠本国公民的权力来保卫国家不受攻击,并承诺采取这种孤立主义的外交政策,以至于在海外部署部队的机会充其量只是渺茫。随着约翰·亚当斯(John Adams)的总统职位开始发生变化,他建立了一支专业海军,以保护美国的贸易船只免受私人船只的攻击。今天,根本没有军事选秀。美国陆军由经过良好训练的全职和兼职职业军人组成,并为他们的服务提供补偿。此外,自1865年美国内战结束以来,美国武装部队还没有在本土打过一场战斗。显然,一支管理良好的民兵不再是军事必需品。即使提出其理由的第一条不再有意义,第二修正案的第二条仍然适用吗?


In fact, the well-managed militia mentioned in the Second Amendment is actually equivalent to the American Armed Forces in the 18th century. Except for a small number of paid officials (mainly responsible for supervising the recruitment of civilians), the United States, which was present at the time of the Second Amendment, did not have a professionally trained army. Instead, it relies almost exclusively on civilian militias for self-defense – in other words, the rounding of all available men between the ages of 18 and 50. In the case of a foreign invasion, an untrained army can stop the British or the French. The United States relies on the power of its citizens to defend the country from attacks and is committed to adopting this isolationist foreign policy, so that the opportunity to deploy troops overseas is at best embarrassing. As John Adams’s presidency began to change, he established a professional navy to protect US trade vessels from private vessels. Today, there is no military draft at all. The US Army is made up of well-trained full-time and part-time professional soldiers and provides compensation for their services. In addition, since the end of the American Civil War in 1865, the US armed forces have not yet fought a battle at home. Obviously, a well-managed militia is no longer a military necessity. Even if the first article of the reason is no longer meaningful, does the second article of the Second Amendment still apply?