
Home / 段落解析 / 英国南安普顿大学社会学Essay代写:批判种族女权主义

CRT学者也将注意力转向对白度的批判,对社会建构的方式(与所有其他群体应该衡量的标准相反),以及其定义如何在历史上扩展或收缩。例如,各种欧洲群体 – 例如爱尔兰和犹太移民 – 在美国开始大量涌入时,最初被种族化为非白人。这些团体最终能够融入白色或“成为”白人,主要是通过与非裔美国人保持距离并采用盎格鲁主流对他们的种族主义态度。 David Roediger,IanHaneyLópez和George Lipsitz等学者都为临界白度研究提供了重要的奖学金。最近几十年也出现了以性别认同和性取向为重点的CRT子领域。一些最重要的学者将CRT与女权主义理论融合在一起,被选为“批判种族女权主义:读者”。显而易见,批判性种族女权主义与交叉性之间存在许多重叠,因为两者都侧重于有色女性的重叠和多重边缘化。同样,像Mitsunori Misawa这样的学者理论化的“酷儿暴击”也探讨了非白人身份和酷儿的交叉点。


CRT scholars have also turned their attention to the criticism of whiteness, the way society is constructed (as opposed to the standards that all other groups should measure), and how its definition has expanded or contracted in history. For example, various European groups – such as Ireland and Jewish immigrants – were initially racialized to non-white when they began to flood in the United States. These groups can eventually be integrated into white or “become” whites, primarily by keeping a distance from African-Americans and adopting Anglo-mainstream attitudes toward their racism. Scholars such as David Roediger, Ian Haney López and George Lipsitz have provided important scholarships for critical whiteness studies. In recent decades, there have also been CRT sub-areas focusing on gender identity and sexual orientation. Some of the most important scholars have combined CRT with feminist theory and have been chosen to be “critical ethnic feminism: readers.” Obviously, there is a lot of overlap between critical racial feminism and crossover, as both focus on the overlap and multiple marginalization of colored women. Similarly, the theorized “queer crit” of scholars like Mitsunori Misawa explores the intersection of non-white identity and queer.

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