
Home / 段落解析 / 英国爱丁堡大学经济学Assignment代写:生育对于经济的影响

随着所有婴儿潮一代变老并退休,经济会发生什么?这是一个很好的问题,需要整本书才能正确回答。幸运的是,有很多关于婴儿潮与经济之间关系的书籍。加拿大视角中的两个优秀作品是Foot和Stoffman的“Boom,Bust&Echo”,以及Garth Turner撰写的“2020:新时代的规则”。特纳解释说,最大的变化将是由于劳动人口数与退休人数之间的比例将在未来几十年内发生巨大变化:当大多数婴儿潮一代都在十几岁时,有六个加拿大人喜欢他们年龄在20岁以下的每个65岁以上的人。今天每个大四学生大约有三个年轻人。到2020年,这个比例将更加可怕。这将对我们整个社会产生深远的影响。 (80)。人口变化将对退休人员与工人的比例产生重大影响; 65岁及以上人口与20至64岁人口的比例预计将从1997年的约20%增加到2050年的41%。(83)这些人口变化既有宏观经济影响,也有微观经济影响。由于工作年龄人口很少,我们可以预期,随着雇主争取保留可用的小型劳动力,工资将会上升。这也意味着失业率应该相当低。但同时,税收也必须相当高,以支付老年人所需的所有服务,如政府养老金和医疗保险。老年人倾向于投资与年轻人不同,因为老年投资者倾向于购买债券等风险较低的资产,并出售股票等风险较高的资产。发现债券价格上涨(导致其收益率下降)和股票价格下跌,不要感到惊讶。还会有数百万个小变化。对足球场的需求应该下降,因为对高尔夫球场的需求增加的人数相对较少。大型郊区住宅的需求应该随着老年人搬入一个公寓公寓而后来进入老年人住宅而下降。如果您投资房地产,当您考虑购买什么时,考虑人口统计数据的变化将非常重要。


What happens to the economy as all baby boomers get older and retire? This is a very good question and requires the entire book to be answered correctly. Fortunately, there are many books about the relationship between baby boomers and the economy. Two excellent works from the Canadian perspective are Foot and Stoffman’s “Boom, Bust & Echo” and Garth Turner’s “2020: The Rules of the New Era.” Turner explained that the biggest change will be because the ratio between the number of working people and the number of retirees will change dramatically in the next few decades: when most baby boomers are in their teens, there are six Canadians who like it. They are under the age of 20 and each person over the age of 65. Today there are about three young people in each senior. By 2020, this ratio will be even more terrible. This will have a profound impact on our entire society. (80). Demographic changes will have a major impact on the ratio of retirees to workers; the ratio of the population aged 65 and over to the population aged 20 to 64 is expected to increase from about 20% in 1997 to 41% in 2050. (83) These demographic changes have both macroeconomic and microeconomic effects. Due to the small working-age population, we can expect that wages will rise as employers strive to retain the small labor available. This also means that the unemployment rate should be quite low. But at the same time, taxes must be fairly high to cover all the services that older people need, such as government pensions and health insurance. Older people tend to invest differently from young people because older investors tend to buy lower-risk assets such as bonds and sell higher-risk assets such as stocks. Don’t be surprised to find that bond prices have risen (resulting in lower yields) and stock prices have fallen. There will be millions of small changes. The demand for the football field should be reduced because the number of people who increase the demand for golf courses is relatively small. The demand for large suburban homes should decline as older people move into an apartment apartment and later enter the elderly home. If you invest in real estate, it is important to consider demographic changes when you consider what to buy.