
Home / 段落解析 / 英国巴斯大学Essay代写:神经系统疾病

法律失明不一定与完全失明相同。在美国合法失明的定义是,在更好的眼睛中校正的中心视力小于20/200和/或视野被限制在20度或更小。也就是说,只有一只眼睛不能让人失明。完全失明通常是不能使用光,尽管可能存在或可能不存在光明和黑暗的感知。 “据说人们可以检测到光线,并确定光线从哪个方向发出光线,”据美国盲人印刷厂(APH)解释说。另一种类型的失明称为皮质视觉障碍(CVI),这是一种神经系统疾病,指出视力是一个涉及眼睛和大脑的过程。颜色,照明,纹理,热量,声音和平衡。盲人看到了什么?许多合法失明的人实际上有一些愿景。明亮的色彩,壁画和照明的变化可以帮助视力有限的人。将入口通道和前庭结合到所有建筑设计中有助于眼睛适应光照变化。触觉提示,包括不同的地板和人行道纹理以及热量和声音的变化,可以为无法看到的人提供地标。独特的外观可以帮助区分房屋的位置,而无需计算和跟踪。声音是没有视觉线索的人的重要指示。技术可以建在家庭的墙壁内,就像它内置在智能手机中一样 – 你所要做的就是提出一个问题,内置的智能个人助理可以为乘客定位。智能住宅的方面对残疾人最有用。


Legal blindness is not necessarily the same as total blindness. The definition of legal blindness in the United States is that the central vision corrected in a better eye is less than 20/200 and/or the field of view is limited to 20 degrees or less. In other words, only one eye can’t be blind. Complete blindness usually does not allow light to be used, although there may or may not be perceptions of light and darkness. “It is said that people can detect light and determine from which direction the light is emitted,” explains the American Blind Printing Factory (APH). Another type of blindness is called cortical visual impairment (CVI), a neurological disease in which vision is a process involving the eyes and brain. Color, lighting, texture, heat, sound and balance. What did the blind see? Many legally blind people actually have some visions. Bright colors, murals and lighting changes can help people with limited vision. Combining the entrance channel and the vestibule into all architectural designs helps the eye adapt to changes in lighting. Tactile cues, including different floor and sidewalk textures, as well as changes in heat and sound, can provide landmarks for people who cannot see. The unique look can help differentiate the location of the home without the need for calculations and tracking. Sound is an important indication of people who have no visual clues. Technology can be built into the walls of a home, just as it’s built into a smartphone – all you have to do is ask a question, and the built-in smart personal assistant can position the passenger. The smart home aspect is most useful for people with disabilities.

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