
Home / 段落解析 / 英国伯明翰大学论文代写:代表性资金

代表性资金由政府或银行承诺以一定数量的白银或黄金进行交换。例如,旧的英镑法案或英镑曾被保证可兑换成一磅纯银。在十九世纪和二十世纪的大部分时间里,大多数货币都是通过使用黄金标准来代表货币。现在已经用法定货币取代了代表性的资金。菲亚特是拉丁语中的“让它完成”。现在通过政府法令或法令赋予金钱价值。换句话说,制定了可执行的法定货币法。根据法律,拒绝“法定货币”资金支持某种其他形式的支付是非法的。 “$”货币符号的来源不确定。许多历史学家将“$”金钱标志追溯到墨西哥或西班牙语“P”,用于比索,piastres或八件。对旧手稿的研究表明,“S”逐渐写在“P”上,看起来非常像“$”标记。


Representative funds are promised by the government or the bank to exchange a certain amount of silver or gold. For example, the old pound bill or pound has been guaranteed to be converted into a pound of sterling silver. For most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, most currencies represented the currency by using the gold standard. Representative funds have now been replaced by a fixed currency. Fiat is “let it complete” in Latin. Money is now valued through government decrees or decrees. In other words, an enforceable legal currency law has been enacted. According to the law, it is illegal to refuse “legal currency” funds to support some other form of payment. The source of the “$” currency symbol is uncertain. Many historians trace the “$” money mark back to Mexican or Spanish “P” for pesos, piastres or eight pieces. Research on old manuscripts shows that “S” is gradually written on “P” and looks very much like the “$” mark.