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美国天文学家超过25%的观测是在凯克天文台完成的,其中许多观测甚至超过了哈勃太空望远镜(观测地球大气层以上)的观测结果。凯克天文台允许观众在可见光下研究物体,然后进入红外线。广泛的观察“空间”使凯克如此科学地富有成效。它为天文学家开辟了一个有趣的物体领域,这些物体在可见光下无法观察到。其中有类似于熟悉的猎户座大星云和热的年轻恒星的星辰区域。新生的恒星不仅在可​​见光下发光,而且还会加热形成“巢穴”的物质云。凯克可以进入恒星托儿所,看看星球的过程。它的望远镜允许观测一颗这样的恒星,称为Gaia 17bpi,是一类名为“FU Orionis”类型的热门年轻恒星的成员。这项研究帮助天文学家收集了更多有关这些新生恒星的信这个有一个材料盘,在适合和开始时“落入”恒星。这使得这颗恒星偶尔变亮,即使它正在增长。


More than 25% of American astronomers’ observations were made at the Keck Observatory, many of which even exceeded the observations of the Hubble Space Telescope (observing the Earth’s atmosphere above). The Keck Observatory allows viewers to study objects under visible light and then into infrared light. Extensive observation of “space” has made Keck so scientifically productive. It opens up an interesting field of objects for astronomers that are not visible under visible light. Among them are the stars like the familiar Orion Nebula and the hot young stars. Newborn stars not only glow under visible light, but also heat up the cloud of matter that forms the “nest”. Keck can enter the stellar nursery to see the process of the planet. Its telescope allows observation of one such star, called Gaia 17bpi, which is a member of a popular young star of the type “FU Orionis”. The study helped astronomers collect more information about these new stars. This has a plate of material that “falls into” the stars when it fits and begins. This makes the star occasionally brighter, even if it is growing.