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在文章中美国的人均货币供应量是多少?我们看到货币有三种基本定义:M1,M2和M3。我们引用纽约联邦储备银行的话说:“[M1]包括公众手中的货币;旅行支票;活期存款以及可以写入支票的其他存款.M2包括M1,加上储蓄账户,定期存款低于10万美元,零售货币市场共同基金余额.M3包括M2加大面额(10万美元或以上)定期存款,机构货币基金余额,存款机构发行的回购负债以及美国居民持有的欧元美元美国银行的外国分支机构以及英国和加拿大的所有银行。“由于信用卡不属于M1,M2或M3,因此不被视为货币供应的一部分。原因如下:假设我的女朋友和我去购买经典视频游戏,我找到了Atari 2600音乐机的副本,售价50美元。我没有50美元,所以我让我的女朋友代表我支付游戏费用,并保证我会在以后付款给她。所以我们有以下交易:Mike给女朋友承诺将来支付50美元。我们不会认为这笔贷款是“钱”的原因有两个:货币,无论以任何形式,通常被认为是一种非常流动的资产,这种资产可以迅速转换为现金或用作现金。我的Barry Bonds棒球卡虽然印在纸上,就像金钱一样,但不被认为是金钱,因为我不能将它转换为金钱,而不会寻找从我这里购买它的人。我不能去商店购买杂货以换取棒球卡。同样,我欠我女朋友的债务不会被视为钱,因为她不能用它作为一种钱来购买,找到一个人并不是一件轻而易举的事。愿意以现金换取贷款。 贷款是一种将资金从我转移到我女朋友的机制,但贷款本身并不是金钱。当我偿还贷款时,我将支付她50美元,这将是钱的形式。如果我们将贷款视为货币并将贷款作为货币支付,我们基本上将同一交易计算两次。我女朋友付给店主的50美元就是钱。我明天付给我女朋友的50美元是钱,但我今天和明天之间的义务不是金钱。信用卡的工作方式与此贷款完全相同。如果您使用信用卡购买游戏,信用卡公司将立即向店主付款,当您的信用卡账单进入时,您将有义务向信用卡公司付款。此信用卡公司的义务不代表金钱。您和信用卡公司之间交易的金钱部分仅在您支付账单时才会发挥作用。


What is the per capita money supply in the US in the article? We see three basic definitions of money: M1, M2 and M3. We quote the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as saying: “[M1] includes the currency in the hands of the public; traveler’s checks; demand deposits and other deposits that can be written into checks. M2 includes M1, plus savings accounts, and time deposits are less than $100,000. Retail money market mutual fund balance. M3 includes M2 increased denomination ($100,000 or more) time deposits, institutional money fund balances, repo liabilities issued by depository institutions, and foreign branches of US banks held by US residents and All banks in the UK and Canada. “Because credit cards do not belong to M1, M2 or M3, they are not considered part of the money supply. Here’s why: Suppose my girlfriend and I go shopping for a classic video game. I found a copy of the Atari 2600 music machine for $50. I don’t have $50, so I asked my girlfriend to pay for the game on my behalf and promise that I will pay her later. So we have the following deal: Mike promises his girlfriend $50 in the future. We don’t think that the loan is “money” for two reasons: money, in any form, is often considered a very liquid asset that can be quickly converted into cash or used as cash. My Barry Bonds baseball card, although printed on paper, is like money, but it is not considered money, because I can’t convert it to money, not people who buy it from me. I can’t go to the store to buy groceries in exchange for baseball cards. Similarly, the debt I owe to my girlfriend is not considered money, because she can’t use it as a kind of money to buy, finding a person is not a breeze. Willing to exchange cash for loans. Loans are a mechanism for transferring money from me to my girlfriend, but the loan itself is not money. When I repay the loan, I will pay her $50, which will be in the form of money. If we treat the loan as a currency and pay the loan as a currency, we basically calculate the same transaction twice. The $50 my girlfriend paid to the owner is the money. The $50 I pay my girlfriend tomorrow is money, but my obligation between today and tomorrow is not money. Credit cards work in exactly the same way as this loan. If you use a credit card to purchase a game, the credit card company will immediately pay the owner, and when your credit card bill is entered, you will be obligated to pay the credit card company. The obligations of this credit card company do not represent money. The money portion of the transaction between you and the credit card company will only work if you pay the bill.