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根据一些说法,移动被评为一个人在亲人去世和离婚后可以体验到的第三大压力事件。两名男子和一辆卡车开始作为一项课后活动(视频:The Stick of the Stickmen)为密歇根州兰辛的两名高中男生开设。作为一家专注于本地搬家服务的小型企业,该公司于1985年开始投资350美元,手绘标识,并在当地社区报纸刊登广告。 1989年,创始人Mary Ellen Sheets的女儿Melanie Bergeron在她的家乡佐治亚州亚特兰大开设了第一个两人和一辆卡车的特许经营办公室。 Melanie现任董事会主席,Brig Sorber担任首席执行官,Jon Sorber担任执行副总裁。 Randy Shacka于2001年加入公司实习,2012年晋升为总裁,Brant Hartle担任首席财务官。 Shacka是该公司的第一位不是来自这个家庭的总裁。两名男士和一辆卡车不再是“两个男人和一辆卡车”。该公司已在国内和国际上发展到美国大部分地区和全球约380个地点。 Two Men and a Truck是美国发展最快的特许经营公司,销售额超过3亿美元,移动卡车2,800辆,员工约6,000人。平均每年的特许经营权收入约为150万美元。 Bergeron表示,“我们从未想过要进入这个不断变化的业务 – 也就是说,直到我的妈妈和我的兄弟Brig和Jon拼凑一些钱买一辆卡车来帮助筹集额外的大学现金。”两名男子和一辆卡车仍保持品牌作为其经营特许经营的世界各地的“两个人和一辆卡车”(例如,加拿大,爱尔兰,英国)。诸如“Two Blokes and a Lorry”这样的名字对他们没有吸引力!该公司决定坚持美国核心品牌,因为“这就是主要特许经营商和他们的投资者想要的,”伯杰龙说。 “客户对它是否是美国品牌不太感兴趣……吸引力恰恰相反……它是一家本地[特许经营]公司,将在我需要时提供。 ……他们想要美国品牌的力量和神秘感。“在走向国际新市场时,两个男人和一个卡车的主要考虑因素是一个国家的中产阶级规模和人口的流动性。他们使用软件工具帮助确定邻里的收入水平,以及住房市场是否主要基于单户或多户单位。 Two Men and a Truck的市场是最好的,两者都很好。此外,Bergeron表示,确定运营地点的另外两个关键领域包括获得准确的市场研究和识别潜在的主要特许经营商。在Two Men和a Truck走向国际的情况下,该行业本身也是一个挑战。全球有很多移动业务;特许经营商为什么要代表两个人和一辆卡车?该公司对这一市场差异化问题的回答是,它非常注重客户服务和先进的基于网络的跟踪系统。质量控制,人工成本和完成搬迁的周期时间是系统中的核心绩效指标。事实上,该公司已经在其行业中以更快,更好的分析来运营业务而闻名。它已经安装了一个私有云系统,以提高其业务运营效率,使用业务分析来捕获和识别全球增长机会。言归正传 – 密歇根州兰辛 – 两个男人和一辆卡车在2018年5月连续95个月的增长中继续建设,计划再招聘200人。总统兰迪沙卡说,招聘是职业搬家月活动的一部分,当时计划雇用约1,500名员工。迷人的兰辛私人公司,拥有家庭环境和非常有条理的特许经营体系。


By some accounts, moving is ranked as the third-most stressful event a person can experience, after death of a relative and divorce. Two Men and a Truck started as an after-school business (Video: The Story of the Stickmen) for two high school boys in Lansing, Michigan. As a small business focused on local moving services, the company began in 1985 with $350, a hand-drawn logo, and an advertisement in a local community newspaper. In 1989, Melanie Bergeron, the daughter of founder Mary Ellen Sheets, opened the first franchised office of Two Men and a Truck in her hometown of Atlanta, Georgia. Melanie is now board chair, with Brig Sorber as the chief executive officer and Jon Sorber as executive vice president. Randy Shacka, who joined the company as an intern in 2001, was promoted in 2012 to president, and Brant Hartle is the Chief Financial Officer. Shacka is the first president of the company who did not come from the family. Two Men and a Truck is no longer “two men and a truck.” The company has grown both domestically and internationally to most of the United States and some 380 locations worldwide. Two Men and a Truck is the fastest-growing franchised moving company in the United States, with more than $300 million in sales, 2,800 moving trucks, and some 6,000 workers. The average franchise grosses about $1.5 million annually. Bergeron said that “we never imagined being in the moving business—that is, until my mom and my brothers Brig and Jon scraped together some money to buy a truck to help raise extra cash for college.” Two Men and a Truck has remained branded as “Two Men and a Truck” in all parts of the world in which it operates franchises (e.g., Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom). Names such as “Two Blokes and a Lorry” do not appeal to them! The company has decided to stick to the core American brand name because “that’s what master franchisers and their investors want,” said Bergeron. “The customers are less interested in whether it’s a U.S. brand … the appeal is the opposite … it’s a local [franchise] company that will be available when I need them. … They want the U.S. brand power and mystique.” In going international to new markets, Two Men and a Truck’s primary factors to evaluate are the size of the middle class in a country and the population’s mobility. They use software tools to help pinpoint income levels by neighborhood and whether the housing market is primarily based on single- or multifamily units. The market for Two Men and a Truck is best where there is a good mix of both. In addition, Bergeron said that two other key areas in determining locations in which to operate include obtaining accurate market research and identifying potential master franchisees. In the case of Two Men and a Truck going international, the industry itself also represented a challenge. There are plenty of moving businesses worldwide; why should franchisees represent Two Men and a Truck? The company’s answer to this market differentiation problem is its exceptional focus on customer service and a sophisticated web-based tracking system. Quality control, labor costs, and cycle time to complete a move are core performance metrics in the system. In fact, the company has become known in its industry for faster and better analytics to run the business. It has installed a private cloud system to make its business operations more efficient, using business analytics to capture and identify growth opportunities worldwide. Closer to home – Lansing, Michigan – Two Men and a Truck keeps building on its more than 95 consecutive months of growth as of May 2018 by planning to hire another 200 people. The hiring is part of the Career Move Month campaign, President Randy Shacka said, when some 1,500 people are planned to be hired by the company. Fascinating private Lansing-based company with a family environment and a very structured franchising system.