
Home / 段落解析 / 英国曼彻斯特大学社会Assignment代写:日耳曼人民

Kossinna将陶瓷传统和种族等同起来,因为他认为陶器往往是土着文化发展而不是贸易的结果。 利用定居考古学的原则 –  Kossinna是此类研究的先驱 他绘制了地图,显示了北欧/日耳曼文化所谓的“文化边界”,该文化基于文本和地名证据扩展到几乎所有欧洲。 通过这种方式,Kossinna在创建民族地形方面发挥了重要作用,该地形成为纳粹的欧洲地图。 然而,纳粹主义的大祭司并不统一:希特勒嘲笑希姆莱尔专注于日耳曼人民的泥屋; 虽然像Reinerth这样的党史前人士歪曲了事实,但是SS在波兰摧毁了像Biskupin这样的网站。 正如希特勒所说,“我们所证明的就是,当希腊和罗马已经达到文化的最高阶段时,我们仍在扔石头斧头并蹲伏在明火周围”。


Kossinna equates ceramic tradition with ethnicity because he believes that pottery is often the result of the development of indigenous culture rather than trade. Using the principles of settlement archaeology – Kossinna is a pioneer in this type of research – he maps the so-called “cultural boundaries” of the Nordic/Germanic culture, which extends to almost all Europe based on text and toponymic evidence. In this way, Kossinna played an important role in creating ethnic terrain, which became the Nazi map of Europe. However, the Nazism’s high priest was not unified: Hitler ridiculed Himmler’s focus on the German house’s mud house; although party prehistoric people like Reinerth distorted the facts, SS destroyed sites like Biskupin in Poland. As Hitler said, “What we have proved is that when Greece and Rome have reached the highest stage of culture, we are still throwing a stone axe and crouching around the open flame.”