
Home / 段落解析 / 英国圣安德鲁大学经济学Essay代写:加密货币与现代经济

加密货币的出现震动了全球的经济机构。事实上,经济学家已经彻底研究了这种虚拟货币的现象,以了解它们如何影响全球金融体系。结果,像比特币这样的加密货币已经与现有的物理替代方案进行了对比,并且各种专家对其起义做出了回应。千禧一代与加密货币之间的联系显而易见,他们在推广新方法来组织一个人的财务方面所做的投入水平很明显。让千禧一代对加密货币充满热情的原因之一是,2008年全球金融危机等重复的经济灾难破坏了对传统金融服务和市场体系的信任。 2015年高盛(Goldman Sachs)的一项研究表明,千禧一代对传统银行服务的兴趣日益减少的指标之一。该研究证明,千禧一代对持有信用卡不太感兴趣,而信用卡优先考虑像PayPal这样的支付平台。银行系统也过度支持单位货币的权重,从而切断上述货币与加密货币之间的联系。这意味着密码正在进行单一货币交易,这是人为推动的,不允许将比特币应用于更重要的任务。像Longfin Corp.这样的公司可以证明现代企业希望从密码的兴起中受益。在宣布购买区块链授权的全球小额贷款解决方案提供商后,Longfin最终获得了超过2,000%的股票上涨。加密货币和相关公开声明的歇斯底里可以解释因为意外激增而提升了价值不太流行的密码。当比特币在2017年12月达到15,000美元的成本时,几种加密货币已经显示出100%甚至更多的增长。然而,Longfin的例子证明市场希望更多的企业供应连接到密码。商业专家对市场上关键加密货币比特币的看法,从评价到明显的批评,各不相同。欧洲央行执行委员会成员伊夫•梅尔施(Yves Mersch)指责虚拟货币使金融系统不稳定,“如果你用比特币买了一堆郁金香,他们可能会在交易确认时萎靡不振。” Nouriel Roubini的观点可以再次追踪与郁金香的比较。由于假设比特币的基本价值为零,他是美国经济学家,称比特币比郁金香狂热“更糟糕”。亿万富翁投资者沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)表示,由于对每种加密货币的负面预测,他从未向比特币投入一分钱。总体而言,像比特币这样的加密货币的崛起使得企业通过评估虚拟货币成为现有扁平货币替代品的潜力来应对这一问题。密码的普及与千禧一代对非常规金融服务的偏好有关,而银行系统仍然不想识别虚拟。 Longfin公司证明,对加密货币的大量投资可能会增加股票,但附加加密的贬值可能会损害企业声誉。像Yves Mersch,Nouriel Roubini和Warren Buffet这样的商业专家也对趋势密码表达了真诚的沮丧。


The emergence of cryptocurrencies has shaken up the economic establishments around the world. In fact, the phenomenon of such virtual currencies is thoroughly studied by the economists to understand how they impact the global financial system. As a result, such cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have been examined regarding contrast to existing physical alternatives, and various experts have responded to its uprising. The link between millennials and cryptocurrencies is apparent looking at the level of input they have made to popularize new approach to organize one’s finances. Among the reasons which make the millennials so passionate about cryptocurrencies, the repeating economic calamities like 2008 global financial crisis undermine the trust to traditional financial services and market system. One of the indicators that prove decreasing interest of millennials towards traditional banking services is 2015 Goldman Sachs study. The research proves that millennials do not have the great interest in holding a credit card giving the preference to such payment platforms like PayPal. The weight of the flat currencies is also excessively supported by the bank system that cuts off the connection between the mentioned currencies and cryptocurrencies. It means that the cryptos are under flat money trading which is fueled artificially not allowing to apply Bitcoin for more essential tasks. Such companies like Longfin Corp. serve as the proof that modern business wants to benefit from the rise of the cryptos. Longfin ended up with the stock advancement of over 2,000 percent in a week after the announcement of buying blockchain-empowered global micro-lending solutions provider.The hysteria around cryptocurrencies and related public statements could be explained because of the accidental surges which uplift the value of less popular cryptos. By the time Bitcoin reached the cost of $15,000 in December of 2017, several cryptocurrencies had shown the growth of 100 percent and even more. However, the example of Longfin proves that markets desire more supply of enterprise to be connected to the cryptos. The opinions of business experts about the key cryptocurrency on the market, Bitcoin, vary from appraisal to obvious criticism. Yves Mersch, a member of the European Central Bank executive board, blamed virtual currencies for making the financial system unstable, “At these speeds if you bought a bunch of tulips with Bitcoin they may well have wilted by the time the transaction was confirmed.” The comparison to tulips can be again tracked by the opinion of Nouriel Roubini. He is the American economist who called Bitcoin “much worse” than the tulip mania because of assuming that fundamental value of Bitcoin goes to zero. Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor, told that he would have never invested a penny to Bitcoin because of the negative prediction to each cryptocurrency. Overall, the rise of such cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin has made the business respond to an issue by assessing the potential of the virtual money to become an alternative to existing flat currencies. The popularity of the cryptos is related to the preferences of millennials towards unconventional financial services, while bank system still does not want to recognize the virtuals. Longfin Corp. proves that heavy investment in cryptocurrencies could boost stocks, but there is the risk that the fall of the attached crypto will damage corporate reputation consequently. Business experts like Yves Mersch, Nouriel Roubini, and Warren Buffet also express sincere discouragement towards trending cryptos.

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