
Home / 段落解析 / 英国圣安德鲁斯大学Assignment代写:被动的功能

“在许多情况下,…被动的目的只是为了避免提及代理人:今天有人报告说,为发电厂分配的联邦资金将不会像预期的那样尽早到位。初步工作已被取消,其他人则重新谈判。这种“官僚主义”或“官僚主义”具有非人的品质,因为代理人的角色已完全从句子中消失。在前面的例子中,读者不知道谁在报告,分配,预期,取消或重新谈判。“ (Martha Kolln和Robert Funk,理解英语语法.Allyn和Bacon,1998) “被动的功能 – 使代理人散焦的功能(Shibatani 1985) – 在各种情况下都很有用。代理人的身份我的身份是未知的,不相关的或最隐蔽的(就像弗洛伊德只是说玻璃被打破时)。通常情况下,代理人是普遍的或无差别的(例如环境正在严重退化)。无论什么原因,代理人的离焦都会使主题成为唯一的主要参与者。 (Ronald W. Langacker,Cognitive Grammar:A Basic Introduction.Oxford University Press,2008)


“In many cases, … the purpose of passiveness is simply to avoid mentioning agents: today it is reported that federal funds allocated to power plants will not be in place as early as expected. Initial work has been cancelled, others Re-negotiating. This “bureaucratic” or “bureaucratic” has inhuman qualities because the role of the agent has completely disappeared from the sentence. In the previous example, the reader did not know who was reporting, assigning, anticipating, Cancellation or renegotiation.” (Martha Kolln and Robert Funk, Understanding English Grammar. Allyn and Bacon, 1998 “Passive features – the ability to defocus agents (Shibatani 1985) – useful in all situations. The identity of the agent My identity is unknown, irrelevant or most subtle (like Floy De only said that when the glass is broken.) Usually, the agent is universal or indifferent (for example, the environment is seriously degraded). For whatever reason, the agent’s defocus will make the subject the only major participant. Ronald W. Langacker, Cognitive Grammar: A Basic Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2008)